::THOUGHTS::   ::KUNPATSU-KUN::   ::I AM::   ::GENGA::    ::RINGS::  


Heero Yuy
Height:156 cm (5'1")
Weight:45 kg (99 lb)
Eye color: Piercing Prussian Blue
Hair color: Dangerous Dark Brown
The Scoop: Heero is the pilot of the Wing Gundam. He was trained from childhood to be the perfect soldier, guerilla fighter, and terrorist. But he's still got a good heart beneath that spooky exterior... well, deep, deep beaneath.
Friends and allies: Heero was raised by the mad scientist Doctor J, and has no other friends or relatives. He relies on his computer-hacking skills to get money, food, and shelter.
Pet Peeves: That he can't bring himself to kill Relena (we are still waiting), even though he is supposed to kill anyone who interferes with his mission.
Fun Fact: "Heero Yuy" isn't his real name, its actually his code name taken from the honor leader of the space colonies that was murdered 20 years ago.
Yaoi Pairing: Duo Maxwell

Name: Duo Maxwell
Age: 15
Ethnicity: American
Height: 156 cm (5'1")
Weight: 43 kg (95 lb.)
Eye color: Mischievous cobalt blue
Hair color: Boyish brown, with a 3-foot braid.
The scoop: With his cheerful personality and great sense of humor, Duo is surely the best date out of the five Gundam pilots. Don't get on the bad side of this Gundam pilot, though, you'll find out why they call him "The God of Death"!
Friends and allies: Duo's a member of the Sweeper Group, an organization of scavengers and junk merchants, which helps him in his mission. He's also friends with Heero- at least he thinks so!
Pet peeves: The way Heero keeps stealing his Gundam's spare parts.
Fun Facts: Duo may be a great secret agent, but what he really enjoys doing is salvaging & junk-dealing.
Yaoi Pairing: Heero Yuy

Name: Quatre Raberba Winner
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Arabian
Height: 156 cm (5'1")
Weight: 41 kg (90 lb.)
Eye color: True blue
Hair color: Generous platinum-gold
The scoop: Quatre is the noble heir to a family of space-colony builders who now fights for freedom as the pilot of the Gundam Sandrock. He's gentle as he is brave and always gives his enemies a chance to surrender.
Friends and allies: Quatre often travels with the Maganac Crops, a private army of 40 brave soldiers who help him in battle. We hear that he and Trowa and really good friends too. (KOIBITO!!)
Pet peeves: That people are always fighting and killing and generally not getting along. After all, it's such a beautiful world!
Fun Facts:Quatre is the youngest child, and only son of the Winner family household. He has 29 older sisters-imagine that!
Yaoi Pairing: Trowa Barton

Name: Trowa Barton
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Latin
Height: 160 cm (5'3")
Weight: 44 kg (97 lb.)
Eye color: Dispassionate dark green
Hair color: A shock of brown
The scoop: The acrobatic pilot of the Gundam Heavyarms may be a clown, but he isn't exactly a barrel of laughs. We don't know why a bishounen like Trowa could be so damned suicidal, but it must have something to do with his tragic past.
Friends and allies: When he's not doing battle, Trowa travels wtih a roving circus troupe. His fellow performer (and sister but unaware of either), Catherine Bloom, tries to look after him but its not easy!
Pet peeves: That he can't get himself killed in battle, because he still has a mission to finish.
Fun Facts: "Trowa Barton" isn't his real name. It's Triton Bloom.
Yaoi Pairing: Quatre Raberba Winner

Name: Chang Wu fei
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Chinese
Height: 156 cm (5'1")(He's smaller than me!)
Weight: 46 kg (101 Lb.)(and also weights LESS than me!)
Eye color: Unfathomable black
Hair color: Glossy black, with traditional queue(pigtail)
The scoop: This fierce fighter is descended from an ancient Chinese warrior clan; as well as being a superb pilot, he's also a master in of the martial arts. Wu fei is proud of his own abilities but not too impressed by anyone else's, so he prefers to work alone.
Friends and allies: The only ally Wu Fei trusts is his Shenlong Gundam.
Pet Peeves: Weakness, especially weak people who insist on fighting anyway.
Fun facts: Wu Fei calls his Gundam "Nataku," after his dead wife. (awww. Isn't that sweet? T_T)
Yaoi Pairing: Treize Kushrenada, or any other pilot as a getaway usually....

